by anettes | Feb 12, 2022 | Microsoft SharePoint, Office365/SharePoint, Organization & Processes, Sample solutions, SharePoint Online, Workflows
We have already shown the basic advantages of digital food ordering here and here . But in pandemic times with hygiene regulations and distance rules, there are even more things to consider about the delicious lunch table, if, for example, “eating in...
by dirkl | Feb 12, 2022 | Office365/SharePoint, Organization & Processes, Sample solutions
The digitization of business processes continues. In addition to the central processes for a company’s value creation, you should also take a look at the “social” processes in your company. Employees are often slow to adopt the digital tools and it...
by anettes | Feb 12, 2022 | Office365/SharePoint, Organization & Processes
Eating and drinking keeps body and soul together! This old saying is also valid in professional life, which is why a good canteen can have a positive influence on the working atmosphere. Regardless of whether you have your own company canteen or a catering service...