Das war eine freudige Überraschung, als diese Woche ein dickes Paket aus New York bei uns eintrudelte! Ein glĂŒcklicher Kunde hat sich auf diese persönliche Art fĂŒr gute Beratung und Zusammenarbeit bei einem SharePoint-Projekt bedankt:

„It’s incredible how thorough your work is 
 I have recently had the opportunity to work
with Aglika on a Sharepoint project. I must say, being that we were in the US and she was in Germany, I was a bit concerned the distance would create a series of problems. Not only didn’t the distance create any issues, however, for a few weeks we felt like Aglika was part of our team. Aglika was patient and responsive throughout the entire project. Her skill set is amazing. I would HIGHLY recommend Aglika to anyone looking for advanced Sharepoint help. She is the BEST!“

(Michael LaMotta, DOWC – Dealer Owned Warranty Company)


Dieses Lob macht uns natĂŒrlich stolz, und die Freude ĂŒber die GrĂŒĂŸe aus New York ist groß!

Thank you for this nice surprise, Edvie and Michael from DOWC!