Successful induction of new employees begins with a well-organized onboarding process. This includes several steps:

  • grant access permissions
  • Send a welcome email to the new team member
  • Introduce the “new” to the other team members

These steps can easily be partially or fully automated and remote with the help of a SharePoint Online based HelpDesk, Microsoft Teams and Power Automate.

The prerequisite for this is that the account for the new employee, which we call “Teamo Sharepointer” in our example, is created in Azure/Office 365 Admin and the following attributes are recorded:

Form to create an account in Azure/Office 365

Only then is “the new one” known in teams and can be added.

In a workflow set up in this way, as soon as you add a new member to your team, a ticket is automatically created in the helpdesk, which important information and access data is to be provided for the new colleague, and assigned to the appropriate processors. In addition, the new team member receives a friendly greeting in the teams chat and is informed about the ticket that has been created.

Here we see an example environment in Microsoft Teams in the administrator’s view. Our new employee “Teamo Sharepointer” will soon strengthen the “servicedesk” team and experience optimal onboarding.

Administrator view in Microsoft Teams

The process begins when the administrator adds the new employee to the appropriate team (here: “servicedesk”) in Microsoft Teams:

Form for adding a new team member

Teamo Sharepointer then receives an email notification that he has joined the “servicedesk” group and the team of the same name created from it:

Notification mail for joining a group

A message to everyone appears in the servicedesk team chat to welcome Teamo:

Chat post welcoming the new team member

In addition, Teamo is welcomed in a chat post in the general channel of his new team and also receives information about the next steps there:

Individual welcome and information in the team chat

The ticket with the onboarding tasks is created in the HelpDesk and can also be viewed in the Teams environment:

onboarding ticket

Teamo Sharepointer can react to the ticket directly in teams via the comment function and ask a question, for example:

Auch interessant:  Ticket system integrated into TEAMS

Onboarding ticket new member

The processor/agent to whom the ticket has been assigned can also edit the ticket in their ticket view and, for example, change the status or priority:

Onboarding ticket processor

Our new employee Teamo SharePointer finds a corresponding message in his mailbox for every step of his onboarding process:

Mailbox new team member

Nothing stands in the way of a good and successful start in his new team!

The process described here can be customized and configured according to the needs of a company or team. We would be happy to advise you on all questions relating to digital onboarding.