There are many possible uses for a ticket system and also very good ready-made and yet adaptable solutions, such as the HelpDesk we offer. In some circumstances, however, it is necessary or desirable to set up a ticketing system on a SharePoint site using only Microsoft products and no third-party software. Is there a way to do this?

Yes, it is possible to set up an individual ticket system tailored to your specific needs directly on your SharePoint environment and using exclusively Microsoft tools (PowerApps, PowerAutomate, We give you an example of how to implement such a solution:

Ticket creation via email and form

We start with a SharePoint list, which will become our ticket list. A PowerAutomate Flow is used to generate new items in this SharePoint list from e-mails that were sent to a specified support address. The subject line of the email becomes the ticket title. SharePoint automatically assigns an ID to each new item in the list. This ID is converted to a ticket number by an instruction in the ticket form when the ticket is first saved.

Tickets can also be generated using a form created with Microsoft PowerApps. The form offers the advantage that you can immediately assign a category or priority to the new ticket. You also have the option of specifying more than one reporter.

Ticket related communication

The “classic” ticket list is expanded to include a “History” field that is updated. This is used for ticket-related communication between ticket creators and processors. New emails that contain an already existing ticket number in the subject line are “attached” to the element with the corresponding number. Another PowerAutomate Flow checks incoming messages for an existing TicketID in the subject line. The ticket-related communication can also take place via a corresponding field in the editing view of a ticket form. Comments can be entered here and be classified as internal or external. These comments, like the emails about the ticket, are tracked and displayed over time.

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Approval and Notifications

An approval process can also be integrated and supplemented by automatic notifications: The reporter can be informed when the ticket arrives, changes status and is completed. The responsible agent can receive a message when a ticket is assigned, when it is commented on by the reporter and when the ticket is approved or rejected by superiors. The supervisor can be notified when the processing of the ticket has been completed and only approval has to be granted (or, if necessary, rejected).

File attachments in a ticket

You can attach files to a ticket, either as an email attachment or by uploading them to the ticket. The attachments are listed in a special RichText field and can be displayed directly by clicking on them without having to download them first.

Integration with Microsoft Teams

The fully set up SharePoint site with a ticket system created in this way can be integrated into Microsoft Teams in order to be made available easily and conveniently. (You can find more about linking a ticket system with MS Teams here or here ).

If our examples have aroused your interest in a ticket system created exclusively with Microsoft products, please contact us for further details!